


Join us to learn more about growing and arranging flowers from your garden

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From a young age I remember being deeply fascinated by the plants around me which was enhanced by the people in my life. As little girl in Australia my first memories are of the peppery scent from the wild Freesia, picking fresh Apricots, the enormous spines on the cactus in the font garden and my sister showing me how to rub lemon leaves onto our wrists as perfume. This continued with a move to a colder UK at the age of five and appreciating a cottage style of gardening at our home. At weekends I could be found growing plants, creating my own garden or spending my pocket money on more plants. My posters were of garden flowers beautifully arranged in spotted jugs or earthen ware containers and baskets!

This led to a career within Floristry and Horticulture working in nurseries, growing flowers for wholesale and professionally as a gardener in Devon. One of my greatest achievements is completing a degree in Horticulture specialising in Garden Design under the tutoring of Chris Beardshaw. This led me to a career in teaching at Berkshire College of Agriculture within the Floristry and Horticultural section. My teaching career spanned 13 years eventually ending up in Leicestershire managing the Landbased department at a local college. I've been lucky to work with amazing lecturers in my career and of course students!

So I guess I'm whats termed as a 'Horti-Florist' having spent my time training, teaching, working in flower shops, gardens, nurseries and running my own Floristry business for the past seven years.
